Saturday 25 October 2014

Garlic paste

Chop garlic to pieces
Add in soya sauce
Add in vinegar.
Alternatively, use lime, or fremented red wine from rice.

This sauce can be used to dip fried chicken or fried kuih.

Yummy but do have some odours..

Gourd cooked with anchovies

Gourds come in different shapes.  Some are long and thin, some are bottle necks.  Some are oval and big and etc.
The one I chopped or cut to small pieces belong to the long and thin type.

Some how, I didnt cook it within the time frame that the seeds inside turned old but no harm I still want to cook it.

Cut the gourd to pieces.
Chop garlic to small pieces and fry with anchovies.
Put in the gourd and stir well until cooked.
Serve with some salt added.

(Our family usually do not use msg to add as taste. So it is your option.)

Chicken soup with some herbs

Chop the whole chicken or half of it to pieces.
Put in some goji berries
Some slices of ginger.
Some small pieces of ginseng tops. (at the right corner side of the picture.)  (This type of ginseng is "Pau Seng" - not a hot type)

Wild Fern with prawn paste

This type of wild fern is called "Paku Pakis" locally.  They are sold in bundles and usually the upper parts are softer and to be plucked and if the paku is big, it has to be sliced to two or more pieces.
They are picked from the wild and it does not mean any wild jungles, one can find such ferns.
This type of fern likes to inhibit on moist ground.
Of course, in my own backyard, I have planted many too as I got the roots from the other ground and propagate here. It is a very healthy type of fern and no chemicals is needed to spray on such fern.  Coupled the sap of the fern does have lots of medicinal value to our bodies.
In restaurants, it is not a cheap dish.

Set medium fire over the wok
Fried the smashed garlic and ginger  with cooking oil
Also fried the prawn paste or belacan (a small cube)
After that, put in the paku and stir well for the water from the fern to be drained out
and at the same time mix with the prawn paste which will taste so nice.

Add bits of salt and msg if necessary before serving.